Make “Charcoal” an Essential Item for Daily Life to Ensure the Health of Both People and Mountains!

  • Agriculture & forestry
  • Food & Beverage Manufacturing
  • SDGs & Sustainability
  • Efforts for the Community
  • Considering Earth's Resources
  • Environmental Issues


We spoke with Daisuke Mizukoshi, Director of Sumiyoshi Co., Ltd. in Tsuru City, Yamanashi Prefecture, who has launched the "Kikori no Sumi" brand, engaging in unique environmentally sustainable business practices to sincerely address environmental issues, including those affecting forests.


Daisuke MizukoshiDirector

A Sudden Encounter with the Mountains

“The reason I started this environmental business was due to a chance meeting through mutual acquaintances with the president of a construction company near Mount Fuji. My father, who is the president and CEO of our company, connected with this construction company president through local business ties within Yamanashi Prefecture, and eventually took over the business. The construction company was a major local enterprise involved in tunnel digging, mountain road opening, and forest road construction, but they had no successor, so we were introduced by chance,” explains Mizukoshi.

As the eldest son and now director, Daisuke Mizukoshi had little interaction with the construction company for about a year after taking over the business. However, one day, his father, with a serious expression, asked him to go see the current state of the mountains, prompting Mizukoshi to head to Tsuru City, Yamanashi Prefecture, where Sumiyoshi Co., Ltd. is located.

The Current State of the Degraded Mountains

Mizukoshi was stunned when he witnessed the dire state of the neglected mountains.

Why have the mountains become so degraded? The history of Japan’s mountains plays a significant role in this issue. Previously, there were already barren mountains and forests that had been felled for wartime use. After the war, the government launched a reforestation policy to meet the demand for building materials during the post-war economic boom, planting large quantities of coniferous trees like cedar and cypress.

Over time, the number of artificial forests increased. Ideally, these forests would have been pruned and thinned as necessary, but with the number of forestry workers decreasing year by year, many artificial forests were left unattended for long periods. This neglect caused the trees to grow densely, blocking sunlight. In the darkened forests, certain plants died off, leading to the spread of disease and weakening the mountains’ water retention capacity. As a result, the risk of landslides increased during rains and typhoons.

Furthermore, after the reforestation policy was implemented, trade liberalization led to the importation of large quantities of timber from countries like the United States, Canada, Russia, and others. This resulted in an increase in the use of cheaper foreign timber over Japanese timber, leading to a decline in the use of domestic timber.

As the utilization of Japanese timber decreased, profits dwindled, and the number of forestry workers and trees being felled also declined.

Who could change this situation?

The answer was clear.

“Environmental Recycling Cycle” and “Kikori no Sumi”

As the primary initiative, we focused on improving the water retention capacity of problem-ridden forests and bamboo groves through appropriate thinning and maintenance, thereby working to maintain the mountains.

Next, we considered new ways to utilize forest resources. How could we add value to the mountains that had lost their worth? Simply selling the felled trees as before was not the solution.

The answer we arrived at was to produce high-quality charcoal through “a unique, specialized burning method”. This led to the creation of the “Kikori no Sumi” brand.

“Kikori no Sumi” is not charcoal for burning, but rather products that leverage its quality to benefit people’s living spaces and health, such as “edible charcoal.” This could be considered as adding value, wouldn’t you agree?

 In particular, regarding “edible charcoal,” President Suzuki addressed the issue of chemical allergies and sensitivities, which are prevalent today and lack specific treatments, by developing and commercializing “bamboo charcoal,” which is expected to absorb waste and improve intestinal health.

Making “Charcoal” a Daily Essential!

However, can charcoal become a daily essential? Currently, it is not considered an essential item. While awareness of “edible charcoal” is gradually increasing, it is still a minority.

Mizukoshi believes that “the health of the mountains and the health of the body are two sides of the same coin,” and this aligns well with the SDGs. With a commitment to sustainable forestry, we have published books and been featured in magazines, and we are receiving more requests for interviews. Recently, there have been requests for guest lectures at local elementary and middle schools.

The philosophy of Sumiyoshi Co., Ltd. is to create a lifestyle that enriches both body and mind by living in harmony with nature. The goal is that by consuming charcoal, it will lead to the maintenance of the mountains, which in turn will revitalize the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries industries. Mizukoshi expressed a strong determination, stating, “To increase the value of the mountains, we must care about the environment and take action.”

How do we face the current situation and work towards solving it?

By developing products for “Kikori no Sumi” and increasing its awareness, we hope that charcoal will become a daily essential, leading to a healthier world for both people and mountains. There is growing anticipation for the future endeavors of Sumiyoshi Co., Ltd.


Sumiyoshi Co., Ltd.

We propose promoting health both externally and internally through "Kikori Charcoal." Live healthier, live more beautifully. Through Kikori Charcoal, we will support you in building a body that can withstand the challenges of modern environments and stress. Recently, the popularity of charcoal-based household products has been rising, driven by expectations of charcoal’s air-purifying and relaxation effects. However, what Sumiyoshi Co., Ltd. offers goes even further. We propose not only improving your living environment but also incorporating bamboo charcoal into your diet to enhance your internal well-being. In other words, we are committed to promoting health both externally and internally.

Founded in
September 2020 (Formerly known as Sumika, September 2007)
No. of employees

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